A Remote Work Prescription for Federal Agencies
Securing remote work at rocket speed
Supporting remote workers is the number one priority for most federal agencies today. Legacy remote access systems were not designed to secure the remote worker, protect the endpoints, and to remotely access applications.
Speed is essential. Federal agencies must quickly adapt to meet today’s crisis with a strategy that:
- Ensures remote worker identities are properly authenticated
- Augments the capabilities of VPNs and other existing infrastructure
- Secures legacy systems and devices without the need to rip and replace
- Enables infrastructure and security teams to move quickly and cost-effectively

Federal agencies are staring at a multitude of challenges facing the remote worker – from securing the teleworker and endpoints to ensuring secure communications and enabling cyber resilience. Learn more about how we can help federal agencies secure the remote worker with solutions to solve your immediate needs today, while enabling you to scale and adapt in the future.
Additional Insights on Securing Remote Workers
Supporting remote workers is the number one priority for most federal agencies today. Legacy remote access systems were not designed to secure the remote worker, protect the endpoints, and to remotely access applications. Learn how to harness the cloud for the rapid surge of telework and IT services while scaling and adapting for the future.